2024 – A Year To Become A Better Version Of Yourself

It is that time of the year when everyone meets you with the same question, “What is your New Year’s resolution?” It is cliched, it is hackneyed, and to some, it may even seem passe. However, one thing is for sure. The new year does fill us with new energy and the zest to do something ‘different.’

At EduPeer, we believe in becoming the best version of ourselves. We say this cautiously because we don’t want you to compare yourself with someone else. We want you to perform better than your last time – score more marks than the previous exam, be consistent with your performance if you are a topper or do one more meaningful extracurricular activity this year. 

Self-improvement is a continuous and gradual process. It involves frequent check-ins to reflect on your progress and make delta changes. Here is what we are suggesting to our students this year.

Learn, but not only for Grades

In 2023, approximately 3.08 lakh 10th and 12th standard students scored more than 90% marks in CBSE. Indian students know how to ace their exams, but we are not sure if we can say the same about their practical understanding of subjects. They know how to solve problems on paper but lack the skill to build a model or tinker with a machine. 

It is our earnest request to go beyond what you learn in class. You can find several resources online to develop practical knowledge. Once you start questioning and looking at how things work around you, your curiosity will naturally lead you outside textbooks. 

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Reflect on Academic and Personal Goals

We know that students are ambitious. They work hard to achieve better marks, grab a spot in the student council or make it to their school sports team. However, we have observed that most students do this without a structured approach. In the absence of a plan, you will end up using ad-hoc solutions that may not deliver the desired results.

To find a method in this madness, try to pinpoint your bottlenecks. For instance, ask yourself why you are not able to get your desired grade. Is it a lack of conceptual understanding, or you don’t remember the answers? Most of our students say they make silly mistakes in their answers and end up losing marks. Each of these problems warrant a different approach.

Adapt Effective Study Habits

All students study differently. Some like to study in the quiet hours of the night. Some like to keep up with the pace of their teachers at school. Some like to take it slow and grasp a topic thoroughly before moving on to the next one.

You are unique, and identifying what works for you will help you in the long run. There are several study strategies – studying in groups, making flashcards, trying to remember the answer later, and explaining the concept to someone else. 

Figuring out what helps you remember the concepts will take some time and experimenting but will make studying easier. 

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Give at least 1.5 Hours Every week for College Preparation

Whether you want to study in India or abroad, you must devote at least an hour and a half a week to your college applications. It should start from the 10th standard onwards when you need to start thinking about the subjects you would like to study in your 11th standard. It is a difficult decision and deserves a concerted effort from your end.

Similarly, there has to be a well-thought-out intervention to differentiate your profile when you apply to universities in your 12th standard. We suggest enrolling in a summer school, reading two quality books outside your curriculum and participating in international competitions to elevate the quality of your application. These activities will demonstrate that you are focused and have done your bit in exploring your career path.

Make Time for Yourself

It is equally important to make time for yourself amidst academics, extracurriculars and university preparation. High school is a stressful time. Make sure to find time for your favourite activities – play a sport, make music, watch movies and go out with your friends. Winding down will give you the enthusiasm to take on the challenges of the next day.



At EduPeer, we can help you with all your college admission needs, from choosing the right country and subjects for you to college lists, resume building, interview preparation and much more. Book a free consultation by clicking on the button and filling in the details below.