This is our third blog in our five-part series on decoding the essay prompts for top MBA programs. You can read our blogs on the Harvard essay and the NYU Stern essay to approach these quirky and enigmatic prompts. The Columbia Business schools new campus lies in Manhattanville, in the city that never sleeps, New York. As Columbia Business School puts it ‘We are constantly pursuing,...

HBS receives about 10,000 applications year on year with a class size of about 1000 to fill. All applications come with great GMAT scores, fantastic GPAs and career trajectories. And then there’s the essay. In the countless discussions we have had with students who wish to pursue MBA abroad, the HBS essay conundrum makes it to the top. In this...

International MBA applicants are often left to answer this question: Which round is better to send in the applications? Round1/2/3? Thank God this question doesn’t make it to the standardised test! The answer to this isn’t like an MCQ where a single answer is correct, neither are a combination of these right. Let’s instead look at some factors that determine your...

MEM or the Masters in Engineering Management is also popularly known as the Engineers MBA. It’s designed for engineers in order to link their learning in technology to the business and management side of it. It’s an ideal choice if you wish to take your love for technology to the next , and management, law. Thelevel. The degree helps the...