27 Jan STEM students have a great future!
You would have heard of machines beating GrandMasters in Chess and now Google Deepmind has beaten the World Champion in the game of Go which involves intuitive thinking and multi level strategy planning. If we consider Arts as the final human frontier, scientists have come together and used AI to complete Beethoven’s tenth symphony.
We are standing at the brink of the 4th Industrial Revolution, which will fundamentally change every aspect of our lives. The speed at which the current systems are evolving is unprecedented and disrupting the way we work, communicate with others and lead our lives. Needless to say, it is also going to change the future of jobs. While some jobs will become redundant, certain new ones will emerge and pique demand in the industry.
For the current and future generations to keep pace with these developments, the current education system will have to cast a spotlight on STEM. An abbreviation for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, STEM will be instrumental in producing skilled workers and bridging the gap. It is the reason several governments are encouraging the education systems to relook at their curriculum. Not just that, some leading institutions across the world have already begun adapting to our future.
Is STEM really necessary?
As per the World Economic Forum in 2022, 75 million current job roles may be displaced by the shift in the division of labour between humans, machines, and algorithms, while 133 million new job roles may emerge at the same time. In almost all aspects of our lives, technology will be seamlessly integrated. The world needs workers who are comfortable in dealing with technology. This evolving technology is fast reshaping the labour demand, and unless we focus on reskilling and upskilling, the skill gap will only widen.
Several countries like China, USA and UK have already recalibrated their curriculum to pave the way for new-age learning in their curriculum. An education in STEM will equip the students for the future demands at the workplace and prepare them for success.
How is STEM different?
So far, the education has concentrated on skills such as memory, verbal and math acumen, active listening etc. However, experts predict that these skills are on the decline. The future will have a demand for analytical thinking, innovation, active learning, creativity, originality, critical thinking and complex problem-solving.
STEM education forces students to think critically and propose solutions. The focus is on stimulating young minds to maximise their learning. Hands-on learning, which is often cross-curricular, encourages them to apply principles and concepts to solve real-world problems. Moreover, this curriculum encourages students to work in teams as they work on projects. It, in turn, promotes interpersonal and collaboration skills, which are a must to succeed at the workplace.
Final Word
As we move towards a more digitised world, the new age jobs are going to change at an unimaginable speed. Unless we recalibrate our education to STEM, the younger generations will find it difficult to acquire the skills required for future jobs. Considering international education is an excellent way to expose your children to STEM and prepare them for a successful career.
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