Top 4 Jobs Of This Next Decade

While you are stuck in COVID times, and seem to be looking for some answers for the future, here we bring to you the top 4 jobs of the next decade. Now might be a good time to start planning so that once we are out of COVID lockdown, you will be empowered to take the world by storm!

Mind you, we are giving you this information straight from the horse’s mouth. We have a terrific team of mentors, who give you their recommendations

Biomedical engineering

Biomedical Engineering, is a STEM field that combines biology and engineering, and applies the principles to medicine and healthcare. This combination has contributed heavily to some lifesaving innovations in healthcare such as artificial organs, advanced prosthetics and surgical robots.

In order to become a Biomedical Engineer, you will need to study an undergraduate degree in a relevant field, such as, Biomedical Science or Engineering, Electrical or Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Physics.

You could then go on to study a Masters or PhD in Biomedical Engineering.

If you think Biomedical Engineering is something you may wish to pursue at an undergraduate/career level, STEM subjects are the ones you’ll want to focus on.
You should also consider opportunities to gain relevant work experience, both prior to starting your degree and during.

Meet Akhila

Akhila always had the bent towards all thing’s science. She completed her Master’s Degree from the John Hopkins University.

Akhila always wanted to use science to help the community at large. applied to Gates Cambridge for the research scholarship to pursue her PhD. And that’s where she is. Akhila is a PhD candidate in Chemistry, Biophysics and Bioelectronics.

Akhila continues to mentor many students just like you.

Not just an MBA, but a global MBA

Most students who enrol for an international MBA, are professionals. They have at least 3-4 years of work experience post which they opt for higher studies.

Another advantage of an international MBA degree is it gives you the chance to expand your areas of interest. From a business operations profile, you can learn about business development, or from manufacturing, you can go into consulting. The program is developed in such a manner that it ensures you get an overall perspective and necessary training to shift your career focus.

 As a business professional, one of the key requirements of your job is to network with people from various industries. And while pursuing an international MBA, you have the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals from various industries, from around the world. It is the best setting to make life-long friends and extend these partnerships beyond the classroom. B-schools globally tend to nurture their alumni so as to have an extended network of their wards.

The professors and guest lecturers from various industry leaders add to the excitement factor of these degrees.

In last few years, MBA schools have worked hard to carve a separate niche for themselves. Almost all business schools now have a specialization. We advise students not to be driven by cold rankings but look at the specific area that the school has worked on and align your B school selection accordingly.

Meet Poorvi

Poorvi hails from Kota, Rajasthan. She graduated in Design Technology from IIT Guwahati.
She got recruited as the first ever graduate student by the Amazon design team. Her experience spanned across the launches of Amazon Now, Amazon Handmade and the Amazon seller services. Around this time, she got around thinking of a Masters education. And as she applied, she landed a dream admission into Carnegie Mellon. But a tiny voice inside her head made her refuse this opportunity. And this tiny voice took her to UK where she worked with the Alexa Speech Organisation. Soon enough, the thought of her Masters crept back into her head, and this time it took her to Harvard Business School. Poorvi likes to call this ‘planned spontaneity’. Quite an oxymoron, isn’t it?

AI and Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has been one of the hottest job roles for many years now and will continue to be so. The growth in demand for jobs in cybersecurity is unmatched in any other technology domain. Asia Pacific has the largest chunk of the volume of opportunities in cybersecurity around the world, and India has the bulk of the demand for cybersecurity jobs in the APAC region.

Data is the main entity which organisations are trying to protect and ultimately, the goal is to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of data to the right users. Cybersecurity professionals develop, configure, and troubleshoot a variety of technologies.

Apart from a relevant degree in technology, knowledge about basic and/or advanced cybersecurity concepts, extensive cybersecurity work experience, industry certifications, knowledge of regulatory policies is usually required to make a career in cybersecurity.

At the same time, cybersecurity is not tied to any academic qualification, and it may be a career path you can make irrespective of the qualification you have. The rise in cyberattacks is also increasing the opportunities for professionals from all backgrounds who want to make a career in cybersecurity. Even people from humanities background can make a career in cybersecurity.

There are many cybersecurity career tracks, including GRC, Auditors, incident responders, SOC analysts, IoT security professionals, security software developers, cloud security experts, cyber forensic experts and cybersecurity trainers.

Meet Shreyas

Mumbai boy Shreyas completed his undergrad from the Manipal University.

He was always interested in Computer Science and found that there were many other just like him. The time to take his Masters came quickly. His top choice was Cyber Security. He applied to all top colleges, without a fear. It was a huge risk as Shreyas hadn’t applied to any safe prospects. Despite that, a John Hopkins admit came through!

Shreyas spent time in planning his Master’s studies. He appeared for GRE twice and was able to push his score beyond 330. He applied to all the top programs and got John Hopkins admit.

Shreyas followed the growth mind-set, identified his comfort zones, and broke through them. He set the bar high and strove to get there. His ability to take risks paid off.

Robotics and Mechatronics

You would have seen the almost human like performance of Boston Robotics. If not, please see it here.

Robotics & Mechatronics focuses on robotics and deals with modelling and simulation of physical systems, intelligent control, robotic actuators and embedded control systems.

The specialisation in Robotics and Mechatronics deals with the application of modern systems and control methods in practical situations. Areas of application include medical robotics (assistance to surgeons), and service robotics (street cleaning, service to people).
Emerging in Japan in 1969, the term mechatronics originally stood simply to mean the combination of mechanical and electronic. However, as each of those industries has grown, the term now encompasses many things under the tech umbrella, and is particularly tied to robotics and electromechanical engineering.

The combination of these fields involves motion (mechanics), artificial intelligence (computer science), and the electrical components that bind them and create objects that are capable of accomplishing simple mechanical tasks.

Electrical engineering is a field that existed long before computers and iPhones, dating back to the invention of the electric dynamo in 1831, the industry’s first functioning electrical generator. This invention solved the problems being caused by the inability to produce a stable electric current, and opened the doors to the electric engineering as we know today.

After figuring out how to harvest, store and use electricity, engineers were able to bring mechanics to life; and as computer science rose in usefulness, mechatronic engineers started to use their field to create smart and complex machines that are designed to make life efficient.

Meet Niket

Niket, unlike his peers, took the road less travelled by, and that has made all the difference. He calls it a roller coaster ride, that he sat on when he turned 12! It started with taking German as an optional language in grade 6. The love affair began and continued until he achieved the highest level in the language. Niket wanted to get out of the country and his peculiar choice was Robotics in Germany! He decided to pursue his undergrad in Germany, where the classes were conducted in German. Thank God for grade 6. Everyone around him thought this was a ridiculous idea. And it wasn’t easy either. An entrance exam was mandatory to get into the 13th year of academics as most of the Europe follows K-13 school system. He is currently at the Technical University, Munich, pursuing his masters in Mechatronics.

What’s common to all 4 mentors? Grit, Persistence, Adaptability. And do you know, they all stayed back at their universities during COVID times. The global pandemic may have caused a standstill, but it has also caused movement in many other areas of work. Look for the opportunity and you will find it. Be the best prepared version of yourself when all normalcy returns. If this has inspired you just a little bit, you could even catch them in our webinar held recently.