How To Prepare For The SAT And ACT

Throughout high school, you’ve been told repeatedly how important it is to score well on the ACT and SAT if you intend on going to college. These standardized tests are used to measure key skills like reading comprehension, computational ability, and clarity of expression. In order to assess your readiness for college level work, the ACT/SATs are made to be incredibly difficult. While your score is not the sole determinant for college admissions, it is an important part of the set of criteria that colleges consider when making admissions decisions.

To get the best possible score, it is necessary to properly prepare for these exams. If you have yet to begin preparing for the ACT/SAT, or if you are unsure about how to start, then this guide is for you!

The Starting Point

Whether you’re months away from your exam, or weeks, your first test-prep-step should be completing a practice exam. A simple search will reveal that there are some free practice tests available online. Completing one of these tests is a good way to learn about the overall structure and format of the ACT/SAT, and a means to familiarize yourself with the content and question styles of each respective test. Additionally, the practice exam will also help you figure out your strong and weak areas. The ACT/SAT covers material from the first grade, to your second year in high school, so don’t be discouraged if you are unsatisfied with your practice exam score. Adjust your perspective and see this as an opportunity to learn!

Work Smarter, And Harder

To get good at anything, you must practice. Improve your scores by utilizing ACT/SAT prep books to learn about test taking strategies, and practice sample questions. It is important to note that there are a multitude of books available on the market, so be sure to pick a good one. A key indicator of a good test prep book, is one that shows you how to solve a question from step one. Many books unhelpfully provide the right answers to questions, without providing sufficient explanation as to why it’s correct and why the others are wrong. In addition to picking a good book, also be sure to actually use it. Make a study schedule, and try to stick to it as much as possible.

Read A Lot, And Then Read Some More

Success on the ACT/SAT depends on your ability to think critically, focus, and interpret complex writing. To do well on these standardized tests, lots of reading is a must. In addition to the test prep books mentioned above, read dense non-fiction books; the more sleep inducing, the better. Going through tough non-fiction books will improve your vocabulary and get you accustomed to reading lengthy passages.

Seek Help

If you’re seeing good results studying by yourself, then that’s great. If not, don’t feel bad. Most of us start with great enthusiasm but then, other priorities take over and we fall behind schedule. For most people having a tutor, coach or mentor helps keep them on track. We invite you to consider Edupeer’s test prep service. It provides you with structure (through online tests) and support (through human coaches) to make a comprehensive package to get you to your best scores. You will benefit for adaptive learning methodology so that your weaker areas get more practice questions in the online tests. You can watch and learn from solution videos as many times as you like. Additionally, one-on-one coaching from the top one percent scorers of actual standardized tests will share all of the experiential insights needed to give you the boost in the scores you need.

To get the best possible score, you must prepare. After going through this test-prep process, you will have the tools to confidently take these difficult exams. Trust the process, and trust yourself!

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