The Cost of Studying Abroad

As the cost of an American university keeps rising and the political environment keeps becoming more and more uncertain about its policies towards international students and immigrants, one needs to reevaluate if American education is still the best bang for the buck or other choices are becoming more favorable.

While the actual costs vary within the same country or even within a state, it is possible to take an average cost of studying abroad. Here is a quick look at the expenses incurred for higher education living abroad as well as comparison of the top 6 countries to which Indian students are choosing to go for it.

Each of the countries below is attractive for different but many times overlapping reasons for international students.

United States, of course has been a long standing favourite due to abundance of highly rated educational institutes, availability of visas to work and the job opportunities that it promises. It is also the most expensive if you go to a private university. The cost is lower for public universities but is still a big number for an international student. It has a 4-year undergraduate program but provides flexibility to choose unrelated subjects to help a teenager make up their mind about what areas of study they want to focus in the long term.

UK is closer to India with three year undergraduate program and many one year Masters programs. That saves a whole year of expenses to get the degree for students who know the subject they want to pursue. It is already a favourite of many Indian students. With its new policy of giving post-work visas for students to find jobs irrespective of the degree pursued, it is becoming even more of a popular choice for students and parents this year and is expected to continue to rise in its appeal.

Australia is another popular third choice with seven Australian universities in the top 100 in the latest QS World University Rankings. It also provides work while you study choice along with plethora of courses and degrees that one can pursue. With 18-months to 4-year post study visas available and job opportunities available for foreign nationals, it can be a great choice for your higher education.

If you want to be in North America, want a better acceptance rate at some of the world class universities, and study at a fraction of the cost of the US universities, Canada is your best bet. With a much simpler admission process, friendly immigration policies, safe and welcoming society, it is a favourite for students who want to settle in the country that they studied in.

At only 719 sq km Singapore is 4571 times smaller than India and still boasts of two world class educational institutes. Along with a much better cost of education, it is close to home, clean, safe and has English as the official language of education. It is a popular destination for business major students which is no wonder given that it is one of the most business-friendly countries in the world.

If you are looking for free education, Germany is the perfect destination for you. Yes, you can get as good an education as in the other five countries mentioned here but at almost no tuition cost. With entry level knowledge of Germal language one can get into a program and use free German language support available to become more proficient in the language. Upon completion of their studies, international students can apply for the 18-month post-study work visa to find jobs related to their area of study. WIth 5.3% unemployment rate, one is assured to find a job that works for them.

You can hear from College Mentors, students who are studying at colleges in these countries, on EduPeer YouTube channel. You can also get personalized advice from them for your admission to one of the great schools in these countries and many more. Feel free to reach out to us at for any questions related to college admission.
