Tamanna shares practical insights on how to go about making some important college admission decisions.   College-hunting is a daunting task. Multiple courses, multiple locations, multiple extracurriculars- the options are endless. This boundless world may be overwhelming at first. But fear not, don’t let the excess of options bog you down. Don’t let the big names intimidate you either! There are so...

Not everybody needs to cross Atlantic for their dream college. Tamanna shares her experience of going beyond obvious and studying Medicine at Charles University, Czech Republic.   Europe. When one hears of it, one doesn’t think university; one thinks of fancy vacations, grand architecture and good weather. University is more readily associated with the US or the UK (which to be fair is...

Aayushi shares her remarkable journey of dreaming big and pushing the boundaries. She is pursuing her Master Degree in Actuarial Science at Columbia University.   Coming from a small town in Punjab, my dream of studying in an Ivy League School used to be disregarded by everyone except my father. People mocked me for having such high expectations. At one point, I...