Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first 4 in sharpening the axe- This kind of preparation is pretty much the same when it comes to the GRE. One can draw parallels and realise how preparation is key to acing an exam. A 320+ in the GRE is certainly no easy task, but...

Sleep! We all need it. We know that we need it but yet most of us don’t get enough of it. We are probably the most sleep deprived generation. When you sleep, the brain reorganises, sorts and stores what we have learnt and experienced in the day, making it easier for us to recall at a later date. ...

The first thing you want to do while preparing for an interview is understand yourself. Why are you going for this interview? What is it that you want from it? What are the main aspects of yourself that you want to demonstrate at the interview?? How do you want to showcase your skills and achievements that are relevant and prove...

Resume should create a great first impression on the recruiters and certain resume mistakes could cost you a job. In a 2018 survey conducted by hiring site TopResume, 70% of employers said that personal deal-breakers – like missing contact information or an unprofessional email address – were enough to reject a candidate before they even finished reading the resume. Here...

Your resume is a brief outline of your education and academic background as well as work experience, publications, awards, presentations, honors, and additional details. Resumes are used when applying for jobs, academic, scientific or research positions. To put it simply, a resume is your professional image...